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Showing posts from May, 2022

OPENSHIFT/K8S: Enable HTPasswd Authentication for your Openshift Cluster

 Openshift provides different kind of authentication mechanisms for authentication. Openshift comes with a default kubeadmin user as a factory default. In addition to default admin, in real world you want different users with different permission levels to separate roles.  You can use Ldap, Github or Github Enterprise, Keystone Server, OpenID Connect or HTPasswd authentication. All these methods are named as Identity providers.All methods are external solutions or requires additional servers/services to deploy to authenticate except HTPasswd authentication. HTPasswd authentication  consist of simple and locally managed password files. Simply, you define usernames and equivalent password for them. htpasswd file contains a list of users and their secrets. HTPasswd files keeps users password encrypted by several encryption algorithms like, MD5(default), SHA1, SHA256 and Bcrypt (Most secure for htpasswd.) Screenshot 1- A simple and sample htpasswd file A simple htpasswd file is similar to